Is a metal roof a good option for my home

Is a metal roof a good option for my home?

Is a metal roof a good option for my home?

Are you contemplating a roof replacement? The decision to invest in a new roof is significant, and as you explore your options, the rising popularity of metal roofs may catch your attention. Tesson Roofing & Exteriors, your trusted roofing partner in St. Louis, Missouri, is here to guide you through the pros and cons of metal roofing to help you make an informed choice.

Pros of Metal Roofs:

1. Life Span:

  • Traditional asphalt roofs typically last 15–20 years, necessitating more frequent replacements. In contrast, a metal roof can endure for an impressive 40–70 years, making it a durable and long-lasting investment.

2. Durability:

  • Crafted from robust metals like tin, aluminum, zinc, and steel, metal roofs surpass the durability of asphalt or slate shingles. They withstand extreme weather conditions, from heavy snow to scorching summer heat, and can endure winds of up to 140 miles per hour.

3. Aesthetics:

  • Modern metal roofs offer a variety of styles, colors, and types, elevating the visual appeal of your home. From standard metal shingles to shake-inspired, tile, panel, and ribbed options, metal roofing enhances the curb appeal and maintains its attractiveness over the years.

4. Sustainability:

  • Unlike asphalt shingles that contribute to substantial waste, metal roofs are an eco-friendly option. They can be installed over existing roofs, minimizing debris. Comprising 35%–95% recycled materials and being 100% recyclable, metal roofs reduce environmental impact.

5. Energy Efficiency:

  • Metal roofs contribute to energy savings by reflecting solar heat, reducing the need for cooling. With insulation typically applied underneath, they also minimize heating costs. Homeowners can achieve energy savings ranging from 10% to 25%, and metal roofs are conducive to installing solar panels for enhanced efficiency.

6. Safety:

  • Contrary to common misconceptions, metal roofs are as safe as traditional asphalt roofs during extreme weather. They do not attract lightning more than asphalt roofs, and most metal roofs boast a Class A fire rating, resisting surface flame spread.

Cons of Metal Roofs:

1. Up-Front Cost:

  • While the overall cost of a metal roof may be lower in the long run, the initial investment is higher compared to traditional shingles. Factors such as roof size, material type, and pitch contribute to costs, with averages ranging from $8,500 to $130,300.

2. Dents:

  • Despite their sturdiness, metal roofs, particularly aluminum and copper, can experience dents from hailstorms or falling tree branches. Checking warranty coverage for potential damage is crucial when considering your options.

3. Noise:

  • During storms, the sound of rain hitting a metal roof can be audible. While some find it calming, it’s essential to consider if you are sensitive to certain noises. Proper insulation can be installed to minimize sound effectively.

4. Rust in Coastal Climates:

  • In coastal climates, some types of metal roofing may be prone to rust. Galvalume steel, a blend of steel, aluminum, and zinc, is an effective solution to combat rust in humid environments.

Tesson Roofing: Your Partner in Roofing Excellence

Tesson Roofing & Exteriors, as the exclusive provider in St. Louis, Missouri, understands the importance of choosing roofing solutions that align with your needs. If you are considering the benefits of metal roofing or have questions about the process, reach out to us today. Our experienced team is here to provide expert guidance, ensuring your roofing investment stands the test of time.