Tesson Roofing Helps Local Couple After Gutter Rip-Off

Late last year, KTVI – a Fox-affiliated St. Louis TV station – profiled a Granite City couple who were experiencing a serious of unfortunate gutter events. After a tornado hit their home, the couple hired a company that replaced their roof but left them high and dry without gutters.

As part of the agreement, the company was paid to replace the roof and install new six inch gutters. However, the contractor disappeared before the job was complete, leaving the old damaged gutters in place.

After seeing the news story, our very own St. Louis roofing contractor Brett Tesson – owner of Tesson Roofing & Exteriors – contacted the Granite City couple and agreed to complete the job at no charge. The couple was overwhelmed by Mr. Tesson’s generosity, and pleased to have high-quality gutters that look great and are functional. You can read KTVI’s update to the story here.

Contractor Scams – Buyer Beware
Homeowners and business owners should always be focused on working with reputable contractors when undertaking projects as large and important as new roofing or exteriors. Contractors leaving before a job is complete – or uncertified individuals who claim to be contractors leaving before the work is done – is not all that uncommon. Just as with this couple, the results can be frustrating and the consequences costly.

At Tesson Roofing & Exteriors, LLC, we value our customers and always strive to provide them with the best customer service and craftsmanship possible. Our contractors are all certified and highly experienced, and we strongly recommend that anyone in need of roofing or exterior services – or any home improvement service – select certified companies. Selecting a certified business listed with the Better Business Bureau is a great place to start.

Mr. Tesson’s generosity and commitment to high-quality craftsmanship has satisfied numerous business and home owners throughout St. Louis, just as it has for this Granite City couple. His work ethic continues to drive our company’s team and services.

For more information about our roofing and exterior services, call (314) 932-1042.