How to Know if my Roof Leak is Covered by Insurance

How to Know if my Roof Leak is Covered by Insurance

One of the surest signs of a need for a roof repair is when your indoor parades also get rained on. The great outdoors, though lovely, should not be allowed into your home; however, a damaged roof will invite rain inside with no hesitation. When left untreated, rainwater can cause major damage to the structure and aesthetic of your home, but roof repairs can be expensive, so having insurance and knowing what’s covered will save you time and money when getting a repair!

Are You Insured?

Insurance, possibly one of the greatest inventions of the modern world, can cover the loss or damage of nearly anything. When you decide to insure your health, home, life, car, or anything else you own, you will be presented with a list of coverage options that will explain how much coverage you will receive for the price you pay. These options will also usually list the specific things that are covered by your plan! 

Homeowners’ insurance provides you with a sense of security because your home and many of its components are protected from sudden damage. Usually, homeowners’ insurance companies will wait for you to schedule and complete a repair and then reimburse you for the cost of materials and professional labor.  Most homeowners’ insurance policies have roof leak coverage. However, your leaky situation may not be covered under the rules of the policy and reading the fine print as well as talking to your insurance provider is necessary before scheduling a repair to understand your options!

What’s Covered?

As mentioned previously, most insurance plans cover sudden or unanticipated damage. Though you are likely never expecting to find a roof leak, finding a roof leak in 30-year-old shingles that have moss growing them is different in the eyes of insurance companies than finding one after lighting strikes your home. Having a general idea of this can help you decide on calling the insurance company or not, but if you’re ever in doubt, it never hurts to ask if you’re covered for a specific type of damage.

Most homeowners’ insurance plans cover roof leaks resulting from fires, lightning, trees, hail, vandalism, AC and heating unit failures, and excess weight from wintry precipitation among other types of sudden damage. On the other hand, damage from age, insects, neglect, pets, and earthquakes is probably not covered by your plan. Calling your insurance company to familiarize yourself with the options at hand can help save you money, if you’re unsure whether something is covered, just give your insurance provider a call!

A further thing to remember is many roofs have warranties for a specific amount of time (5-15 years usually, though Tesson Roofing & Exteriors offers a 25-year warranty which covers several issues that may arise in your roof. Many roofing warranties offer coverage beyond the typical insurance company, so if you notice a leak that may be covered by your warranty, calling your roofing service provider would be a great first step!

Staying Dry

Your home keeps you warm and dry all year round, taking on the brunt of the elements. However, sometimes your home is unable to withstand the sudden barrages of the outdoors, issues with components, or vandals. Getting repairs for these damages can be expensive but knowing your coverage through warranties and insurance will allow you to breathe easier when the damage is insured. If your roof is damaged and you need a repair or replacement from a reliable roofing provider, contact Tesson Roofing & Exteriors today for a free estimate!